11 may 2019
Visual Arts Workday: Unfolding
May 11, 2019, HEP Vaud
On May 11th, the EBU Audits of Art and Technology at the HEPVaud invite visual arts specialists from Switzerland to a day of work on the teaching of the visual arts at the primary level (Harmos 1 to 8) and at the secondary level I and II. This initiative extends the meeting
This working day will allow
The objective of this day of work is to create synergies between the various actors and to bring out common projects focused on the content of teaching in visual arts, on the different didactic approaches as well as on the different study plans for primary and secondary grades.
Three workrooms will be set up and will exhibit work by HEPVaud students:
1) Disciplinary and Practical Knowledge in the Visual Arts
2) Visual Arts Work in 1-4 Degrees
3) Visual arts work in Secondary I and Secondary II.
The participants will be able to take part in a round table according to their choice and to express their points of view. The day will end with a pool and will inaugurate the relay race (Staffel) to discover other student work from other cantons.
The deadline for registration is 1 May.
Contact: tilo.steireif {at} hepl.ch
Friday 1st march 2019
Texte et images dans la littérature illustrée matinée d’études et table ronde
Friday 1st march 2019, HEP Vaud, 9h - 12h, salle C33-614
The illustrated book is a composite medium within which a single message is carried jointly by an object, a text and images. Didactically, the support appeals as much in its forms and its contents as in the pedagogical practices that it underpins: the writing, the read, the narrated, the imagined, the drawn, the connected, intimately lived, the felt, shared. In a wider socio-cultural perspective where the image has never been so present in communication, the use of support in school pathways must be able to decenter the text and consider its multimodality. This morning of studies is organized in two stages. The presentation of Hep-Vaud's partnership with the Fondation Les Maîtres de l'Imaginaire will introduce communications focused on the pedagogical and didactical aspects at stake in the illustrated literature. A round table, in the presence of teachers, educationalists, researchers, authors, illustrators and publishers, will close the morning to question the dialogue between text and images in this media.
9h Accueil
9h10-9h30 François Delessert
Membre du Conseil de fondation
La Fondation Les Maîtres de l’Imaginaire
9h30-9h50 Monique Félix
Les illustrateurs de la Fondation Les Maîtres de I’Imaginaire :
entre anecdotes et parcours personnel
9h50-10h10 Nathalie Athlan
Éducatrice, auteure, formatrice et responsable de projets d’éveil au livre
« Les albums, ça sert à rien, ça sert la vie »
10h10-10h30 Pause
10h30-10h50 Maud Lebreton-Reinhard
Chargée d’enseignement et de recherche en sémiologie de l’image
et analyse du discours, Hep-Vaud
Littérature illustrée : entre multilittératie et médiation
10h50-11h10 Heidi Gautschi
professeure associée en éducation aux médias, HEP Vaud
Être ou ne pas être : média et numérique
11h15-12h Table ronde en présence de :
Nathalie Athlan (auteure), Monique Félix (illustratrice), Christophe Gallaz
(auteur), Daniele Maggeti (auteur), Jacqueline Waernli (éditrice)
informations et inscriptions : www.hepl.ch
Monday 11 february 2019
Create in music course Mission impossible?
Cantonal day of continuous training
The Plan d'études romand (PER) now requires elementary school teachers to promote student expression through their own creations, particularly in the disciplines of the Arts field. If this prescription seems easily achievable in visual arts, it is clear that these activities are not often put into practice in music lessons.
How to encourage the creation of rhythms, melodies, soundscapes in music lessons while building the musical skills of students? How to put in place effective devices and manage the work of collective creation?
The three workshops this day attempt to answer these questions by providing practical examples that address the collective creation process according to a common model. The lecture by Marcelo Giglio (HEP professor, music teacher and researcher at the BEJUNE HEP), entitled "Supporting the students' creative drive without breaking it", focuses on the didactic aspects of these activities. Students' accompanying challenges will be illustrated by observations from different school contexts.
Intervenantes et intervenant
Atelier Voix
Jeux vocaux, création de comptines/chansons
Sabine Chatelain et Ester Ferraro
Atelier Corps
Percussions corporelles
Monica Aliaga
Atelier Objets
Créations sonores
Antonio Trajanoski
8 h 30
Accueil – café-croissants
Espace Parenthèse
9 h 00
9 h15 - 10 h 30
Ateliers I
C33-632 et 629
10 h 45 - 12 h00
Ateliers II
C33-632 et 629
12 h 00
Espace Parenthèse
13 h 30
14 h 30
Pause et déplacement
14 h 45 - 16 h
Ateliers III
C33-632 et 629
16 h - 16 h 30
Création finale collective et perspectives
12 et 14 september 2017
Cultures and Creation didactic approaches
Thursday 8 et Friday 9 february 2018
Winter Academy
Research-Creation and Didactic Methodologies in Arts and Technology
How to define the identity of research-creation in the area of research and higher education?
Thursday 8 and Friday 9 February 2018, Conference Room, MISHA, University of Strasbourg
Organized by
The ACCRA EA 3402 Laboratory, University of Strasbourg
The Higher School of Teaching and Education
In collaboration with :
EBU didactics of art and technology
The EBU Psychology and Music Pedagogy
University of Teacher Education, Vaud
During the first Summer Academy1 (HEP Vaud, Lausanne, 4-6 July 2017), the speakers - researchers, artists, trainers - had explored the didactic perspectives of the artistic and / or technological creation, by questioning the territory of the research-creation for its methodological contributions. The central subject was the link between creation and research and its contribution to the teaching of artistic and technical disciplines. The debates developed around the process of creation touching a positioning at once epistemological, ontological and poïetic. The creation practices and the construction of knowledge in the framework of higher education (at the university or in a university pedagogical school) must today not only question the methodologies adopted in research-creation, but also widen the stakes of postures and objectives pursued in institutional spaces.
In order to prolong the exchanges and the work of the Summer Academy, this Winter Academy wishes to define the place and status of research in its relation to creative practices, the role of these in the space of research and interaction between research and training in arts and technology2.
A third component - a third Academy - will then, in the coming years, examine the possible bridges between research-creation, university training and professional training in arts and technology. Following the same dynamic initiated during the Summer Academy during the research workshops where a central question was raised by the speaker and then discussed with the audience - a sort of laboratory of experimental ideas - the Academy of winter wishes to find the space conducive to this format that gives the speaker the choice to propose a problem and that leaves us a range of time broad enough so that the debate and exchanges can be built collectively around these
Questions :
What is the posture and what are the means of action of teacher-researcher creators?
How can we profile this multiple identity and better understand the issues of research-creation and the teaching of arts and technology at the graduate level?
How can research-creation, in its creative manifestation, open up to meet an audience and propose original broadcasting situations in the space of research-creation?
How to question didactic methodologies in the context of training in
arts and technology?
The strength and originality of our line of research initiated jointly with the ACCRA and the research group of the HEP Vaud (CREAT) lies in the desire to make research-creation interact with the teaching of the arts and culture. technology. And to converse teachers, researchers and creators in order to produce the theoretical approaches needed today to measure themselves, as teacher-researchers in arts and technology, to the different institutional frameworks that manage the way teaching works. Higher Education and Research (Process of
Bologna, LRU, LMD, etc.).
This Winter Academy therefore proposes to continue this work in a plural team. Our wish is to set up a cycle of academies (summer / winter) whose centers would be Lausanne and Strasbourg, while preparing the ground to draw a network with other institutions and places of formation and research like for example the University of Western Brittany (Bachelor Arts - Brest) and the University of Aix-Marseille (LESA). Through these Academies, research in art or technology and creative / design practices draw new perspectives and propose
new forms of knowledge.
Grazia Giacco and Frédéric Verry
EA ACCRA, University of Strasbourg
Tuesday 4 juillet - Thursday 6 july 2017
Recherche – Création : perspectives didactiques
Mardi 4 juillet - jeudi 6 july 2017
Organized by:
UER Didactics of art and technology
UER Musical Pedagogy and Psychology
University of Teacher Education of the canton of Vaud
In collaboration with :
The EA 3402 ACCRA Host Team
(Contemporary approaches to artistic creation and reflection)
and the Higher School of Teaching and Education,
University of Strasbourg
Center of competences of 2CR2D
Questioning the articulation between creation and research and its contribution to the teaching of artistic and technical disciplines requires first of all to situate the debate in relation to creation by positioning
epistemological, ontological and poietic.
The views on creation focus on the relation to creative practices and the construction of knowledge that flows from them.
Thus, our reflections and our research investigate methodologies
researches used to access and better explain the traces of
creative process.
This summer academy at the HEP Vaud explores didactic perspectives by focusing on a desire to create creators using training in arts and technology and questions the territory of research-creation for its methodological contributions.
The artistic and technical disciplines are related to practices and creative approaches that give rise to the production of objects and the construction of the subject. Thinking of formation to creation thus induces a paradigm shift in the very construction of teaching-learning situations.
Thursday 6 et Friday 7 october 2016
The design of an artifact: ergonomic and didactic approaches
Thursday, October 6, 2016
8:30 - 9:00 Welcome of the participants - space The Parenthesis
C 33 - 312
9:00 am - 9:10 am Words from the Rector - Mr. VANHULST Guillaume
9:10 am - 10:10 am CONFERENCE
Psychology of the designer and approaches
user centered design
BONNARDEL N. University of Aix-Marseille
10:10 - 10:20 Discussion
10:20 - 10:35 Coffee break - space The Parenthesis
10:35 - 12:10 pm Workshops
12:10 pm - 1:30 pm Meal - space The Parenthesis
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Workshops
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Coffee break - Espace La Parenthèse
C 33 - 229
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm CONFERENCE
Thought, language and spacing in the
design of the artifact at Le Corbusier
LITZLER P. University of Strasbourg
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm CONFERENCE
Design conception:
thinking-design today
VIAL S. University of Nîmes
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Roundtable
Friday, October 7, 2016
9:00 am - 10:30 am Workshops
10:30 am - 10:45 am Coffee break - Espace La Parenthèse
C 33 - 229
10:45 - 11:45 CONFERENCE
What training design from the
key concepts in vocational didactics?
VINATIER I. University of Nantes
11:45 am - 12:00 pm Discussion
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Meal - space The Parenthesis
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm CONFERENCE
For an adventure pedagogy
FOREST J. National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon
14:00 - 14:45 CONFERENCE
Conditioned or sovereign? The user in perspective
LEQUIN Y. and LAMARD P. University of Technology
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Roundtable
25 et 26 november 2015
International research days
Become an actor in a technical democracy
24 april 2015
International research days
Interdisciplinarity and music
Thursday 19 et Friday 20 may 2016
Culture and creation
Didactic approaches
May 19th and 20th 2016 HEP Vaud, Avenue de Cour 33, Lausanne
Research days
Room 525
8:40 am - 9:00 am
Opening words of the day
Denis Leuba and John Didier
9:00 - 9:30
The source culture of creation?
Moira Laffranchini Ngoenha, UER AGIRS, HEP Vaud
9:30 - 10:00
A boat on the ocean: between culture and creation
Grazia Giacco, ESPE of Strasbourg, ACCRA laboratory University of Strasbourg
10:00 - 10:30
Stimulate creation through an interdisciplinary art-music project in teacher training
Sabine Chatelain, UER MUS, HEP Vaud
10:30 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
Small and big creative injunction ...
Tilo Steiref, UER AT, HEP Vaud
11:15 am - 11:45 am
And if visiting a museum or meeting culture started in class with creation?
Nicole Goetschi-Danesi, UER AT, HEP Vaud
11:45 am - 12:15 pm
The teaching of creation: issues and methods
Yves Renaud, UER FR, HEP Vaud
Room 625
12:15 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
Technical culture and creation
John Didier, UER AT, HEP Vaud
14:30 - 15:00
A crop to recycle
Patrick Winterhalter, UER AT, HEP Vaud
15:00 - 15:30
Cultures in dialogue as tools of thought of manual creative activities
Vincent Marbacher and Anja Küttel, HEP Friborg
15:30 - 16:00
Round table
Room 617
8:30 - 9:00
Room 617, Building C33
Reading texts and reading images. The literary text and its representations in foreign and old language class
Antje Kolde and Rosanna Margonis Pasinetti, UER LC, HEP Vaud
9:00 - 9:30
Room 617, Building C33
Risks and chances of creation in didactics of Ethics and religious cultures
Severine Desponds Meylan, UER SH, HEP Vaud
9:30 - 10:00
Room 617, Building C33
Art as a production device: culture and creation
Raphaël Brunner, HEP romandes, IUFE UniGe
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 - 10:45
Room 617, Building C33
Building maths: an inaccessible dream
Thierry Dias, MS UER, HEP Vaud
10:45 - 11:15
Room 617, Building C33
Exploration and exploitation didactics in food science.
Research - action of student projects in culinary design
Yvan Schneider, UER AT, HEP Vaud
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Room 617, Building C33
Video games: a cultural object? From a technical culture to a popular culture
Florence Quinche, UER MITIC, HEP Vaud
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Room 617, Building C33
Round table, closing of the days